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To say she is his mother is a fib as big as many.
Oh fie! Strephon is a rogue;
He 'll next declare the Alton 's not the best of any.
Taradiddle, taradiddle dee.

I would n't say of either what would be thought injurious;
But to find a mother younger than her son is very curious,
Just as 't would be upon our road to drop an aught that 's spurious.
Fol de ridle, fol de ridle, fol lol lay.

(Tremulo music.)

QUEEN—When next your convention does assemble, you may tremble. Our wrath when railroad heads offend us is tremendous. They must who underrate our calling "cut rates appalling." Take down our sentence as we speak it, and he shall wreak it. Henceforth, Strephon, cast away your brakeman suit and brakeman pay; another racket you shall play. Of the beauteous Alton Line, favorite Western road of mine, you a G. P. A. shall be. Gentlemen, what do you think of he?

ALL—It should be him—

QUEEN—should be him—I have n't time
UEEN—To think of my grammar; it 's very good rhyme.
And now take down my word and pleasure. Henceforth, your equal he shall be. Into your councils he shall come, in your debates he shall rule. Henceforth, it is the Alton Road you must imitate.

ALL—Have mercy!

QUEEN—From this time forth, you will have to run your trains on the same standard of excellence which marks the Alton.

(Hands every one of them a time-table of the C. & A.)

ALL—Spare us!

QUEEN—You will be forced to employ none but civil officials.

ALL—Have mercy!