Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/138

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When all is ſmiling, tranquil, and ſerene,
And vernal beauty paints the flattering ſcene,
Oh! teach me to elude each latent ſnare,
And whiſper to my ſliding heart—beware!
With caution let me hear the Syren's voice,
And doubtful, with a trembling heart, rejoice.

If friendleſs, in a vale of tears I ſtray,
Where briars wound, and thorns perplex my way,
Still let my ſteady ſoul thy goodneſs ſee,
And with ſtrong confidence lay hold on thee;
With equal eye my various lot receive,
Reſign'd to die, or reſolute to live;
Prepar'd to kiſs the ſcepter or the rod,
While GOD is ſeen in all, and all in GOD.

I read his awful name, emblazon'd high
With golden letters on th' illumin'd ſky;
