Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/33

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To quench diſeaſe and cool the burning wound;
With cordial drops the fainting head ſuſtain,
Call back the flitting ſoul, and ſtill the throbs of pain.

The patriot paſſion this ſhall ſtrongly feel,
Ardent, and glowing with undaunted zeal;
With lips of fire ſhall plead his country's cauſe,
And vindicate the majeſty of laws.
This, cloath'd with Britain's thunder, ſpread alarms
Thro' the wide earth, and ſhake the pole with arms.
That, to the ſounding lyre his deeds rehearſe,
Enſhrine his name in ſome immortal verſe,
To long poſterity his praiſe conſign,
And pay a life of hardſhips by a line.
While others, conſecrate to higher aims,
Whoſe hallow'd boſoms glow with purer flames,
Love in their heart, perſuaſion in their tongue,

With words of peace ſhall charm the liſt'ning throng,
