Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/45

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Every ruder guſt of paſſion
 Lull'd with muſic dies away,
Till within the charmed boſom
 None but ſoft affections play:

Soft, as when the evening breezes
 Gently ſtir the poplar grove;
Brighter than the ſmile of ſummer,
 Sweeter than the breath of love.

Thee, th' inchanted Muſe ſhall follow,
Lissy! to the ruſtic cell,
And each careleſs note repeating
 Tune them to her charming ſhell.

Not the Muſe who wreath'd with laurel
 Solemn ſtalks with tragic gait,
And in clear and lofty viſion
 Sees the future births of fate;
