Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/96

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Delia ſhall read, and drop a gentle tear;
Then caſt her eyes around the low-roof'd cot,
And own the fates have dealt more kindly here,
That bleſs'd with only love our little lot.

For love has ſworn (I heard the awful vow)
The wav'ring heart ſhall never be his care,
That ſtoops at any baſer ſhrine to bow;
And what he cannot rule, he ſcorns to ſhare.

My heart in Delia is ſo fully bleſt,
It has no room to lodge another joy;
My peace all leans upon that gentle breaſt,
And only there misfortune can annoy.

Our ſilent hours ſhall ſteal unmark'd away
In one long tender calm of rural peace;
And meaſure many a fair unblemiſh'd day
Of cheerful leiſure and poetic eaſe.
