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Where, on tall pedestal, in pride of place,
Sate Pasht the Cat, with orbs of green and gold;
And, over those green eyes, and o'er the face
That garment hath she draped, so that its fold
Hid the House-Goddess to her porphyry chin.
"Why doest thou this?" asks Yûsuf. "If I sin—"

Answers glad Asenath—"It must not be
That Pasht, whom every morn I straitly serve
With musk, and flowers, and prayers—great Pasht, should see;
That Pasht, with those sharp eyes, should know I swerve
From law:—for she would blab to Lords of Hell,
But what she doth not spy she will not tell."

Turning, she made to clip him; but he broke,
Like the sun bursting through a shattered cloud,