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That sweetness of the upland air
And glow of the glad sunburst, now
Crowning with gold Queen Fuji's brow;
But when we came where snow-slips tear
The flanks of the red mountain bare,
And thence to climb the cone began,
'Mid dykes and crags, O Yoshi San!
At each hard step I did rejoice
Not to be hearing your soft voice,
And not to see your zori tread
That rugged way, which still o'erhead
Zigzagged the shoulder of the crag,
All shifting lava-dust and slag;
Almost for men too steep and rough
Winds the wild path! We had enough
Of breathless, toilsome tramp all day
Before our long line made its way
To "Station Eight"—Hachi-go-me,
Glad was I, 'mid such mist and rain
To know you safe in the warm plain.

Clambering from "Station Eight's" black rock

We topped the cone at nine o'clock,