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At the hut-door she sings: "Oh, thou within
That hast my robe of feathers! Open now
And give what is not thine, but only mine!"

Then see we (kneeling watchful on the mats)
O Yuki San come tripping from the hut
Clasping the feather dress. But when she marks
O Tsuru San bowing before the door
Look how she stands—Yuki the Fisher Lad—
Out of his wits with well-shown wonderment!
So beautiful the dark-eyed weeper is
Unclad, and pleading with those lovely tears.
Down on his face falls young Hakuriyô
And thus they talk, with samisens to help:


"Fisher-boy! give back to me
The dress I hanged upon the tree!"


"Oh thou! well-clad in beauty bright!
Form of glory, face of light!
Honorably deign to tell

Where such charms celestial dwell.