Page:Rolland - Two Plays of the French Revolution.djvu/101

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Camille [pleased]. Did you hear them?

Lucile. The windows shook with it. I smiled to myself in my corner. I wanted to shout, too. I couldn't, so I just stood up on a chair—guess what I did?

Camille. How can I guess?

Lucile. Guess—if you love me. If you didn't feel anything, then you don't love me. What did I send you?

Camille. Kisses.

Lucile. You do love me! Yes, I did. Whole basketfuls. Some of them went to those who were cheering you. How they cheered! How famous you've become, my Camille, in one day! Last week, your Lucile was the only person who knew you, who realized how great you were. But today, a whole people—

Camille. Listen! [They hear the joyful cries of the People.]

Lucile. That's all your work.

Camille. I can't believe it myself.

Lucile. Just by what you said! How did you do it? They told me every one was mad with excitement. I wish I had been there!

Camille. I really don't know what I said. I felt as if I were lifted up into the air. I heard my own voice and saw my gestures exactly as if they belonged to some one else. Every one cried—and I cried with the rest. Then after I finished, they carried me on their shoulders. I never saw anything like it.

Lucile. My great man, my Patru, my Demosthenes! And you were able to speak before that great