Page:Song of Hubbardton Raid.djvu/29

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In the land of early rose potatoes.
Ere the sunlight lit the tree-tops,
Lit the topmost branches of the forests,
These rustic Hubbardtonians collected
Into rank and file for duty;
All were dressed in long drab overcoats,
Coats reaching down to the malleoli, the ankles,
Coats with several capes about the shoulders,
Capes that shingled-off at the elbows,
Long drab coats with chains and buttons;
Cowhide boots, stout and thick,
Cowhide boots with heavy soles,
Double soles with two rows of nails,
Soles thirteen inches long, or more,
In the land of johnny cake and hominy.
Each man was armed with a wooden club,
Clubs heavy and strong to defend their honor,
Clubs of beech, and clubs of hickory,
Clubs of birch, and sugar maple,