Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/118

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts" "          " "100" } subsubtitle = "(CANONBURY. L. M.)" composer = "Robert Schumann, 1856" poet = "Bernard of Clairvauxs, 1153" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key g \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \relative d' {
  << { d4 } \\ { d } >> |
  <b' d,>4 <b dis,> <b e,> << { c8 b } \\ { e,4 } >> |
  <a c,>4 << { g8 a } \\ { c,4 } >> <b' b,>4 << { d,4 } \\ { d } >> |
  <e c>4 <fis c> <g d> <a e> | <fis d> <e cis> << { d4 } \\ { d } >> \bar"||" \break
  << { d4 } \\ { d8 c! } >> |
  <b' b,>4 <b dis,> <b e,> << { c8 b } \\ { e,4 } >> |
  <a c,>4 << { g8 a } \\ { c,4 } >> <b' b,>4 << { d,4 } \\ { d } >> |
  << { e4 } \\ { d } >> <fis c>4 <g b,> << { b8 a } \\ { e4 } >> |
  <g d>4 <fis d> <g d> \bar "|." 
  \cadenzaOn <g e>2 <g d> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key g \major \relative d {
  << { d4 } \\ { d } >> |
  <b' g> 4 <a fis> <g e> << { a8 g } \\ { a4 } >> |
  <fis d>4 << { e8 fis } \\ { d4 } >> <g g,>4 <g b,> |
  <g c,> <a a,> <g b,> <e cis> |
  <a d,> <g a,> <fis d>
  << { d4 } \\ { d } >> |
  <g g,>4 <fis b,> <gis e> << { a8 g } \\ { a4 } >> | 
  <fis d>4 << { e8 fis } \\ { d4 } >> <g g,>4 <g b,> |
  <g c,> <a a,> <g e> << { gis8 a } \\ { c,4 } >> |
  <b' d,>4 <a d,> <b g g,>
  <c c,>2 <b g,>
  } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }
  1. 1. Je sus, thou joy of loving hearts,
    Thou Fount of life, thou Light of men,
    From the best bliss that earth imparts,
    We turn unfilled to thee again,
  2. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood;
    Thou savest those that on thee call;
    To them that seek thee, thou art good,
    To them that find thee, all in all !
  3. We taste thee, O thou living Bread,
    And long to feast upon thee still;
    We drink of thee, the Fountain Head,
    And thirst our souls from thee to fill. Amen.

\version "2.16.2" 
skyComposer = \markup { \column { "From the Kyrie, Twelfth Mass," \line { "by Johann Mozart, 1756-1791" } } }
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "O Maker of the Sea and Sky" "          " "101" } subsubtitle = "(MOZART. L.M.)" composer = \skyComposer poet = "Henry Burton, 1605" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key g \major \time 3/4 \relative d' {
  <g d>4 q q | 
  <fis d>2 << { d4 } \\ { d } >> | 
  <c' d,>2 <c fis,>4 |
  <b g>2. |
  <d g,>4 q <b g> |
  << { d4( c) } \\ { e,2 } >> <a d,>4 |
  <g d>2 <b g>8 <a fis> | q2. | \break
  << { g4 g g | fis4.( e8) d4 } \\ { g4 g g | fis4.( e8) d4 } >>
  <c' d,>2 q4 |
  <b d,>2. |
  <d d,>4 <d g,> <b f> |
  << { a4( c) } \\ { e,2 } >> <e' e,>4 |
  <g, d>2 <fis c>4 |
  <g b,>2. \bar "|." 
  <g c,> <g b,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key g \major \relative d' {
  <b g,>4 <b b,> <b g,> |
  <a d,>2 <fis d>4 |
  <fis d>( <a fis>) <d d,> |
  <d g,>2. |
  <b g>4 <d b> <d g,> |
  << { a2 } \\ { a } >> <c fis,>4 |
  <b g>2 <d g,>4 |
  <d d,>2. |
  <b g>4 <d b> <b g> |
  <c a>4.( <b g>8\noBeam) <a fis> <g e> |
  <fis d>[ <g e> <a fis> <b g>] <c a> <a fis> |
  << { g2. } \\ { g } >> |
  <b g>4 q <d gis,> |
  <c a>2 <a c,>4 |
  <b d,>2 <a d,>4 |
  <g g,>2. |
  <e c> | <d g,>
  } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }
  1. Maker of the sea and sky,
    Whose word the storm-y winds fulfill,
    On the wide ocean thou art nigh,
    Bidding these hearts of ours be still.
  2. Thou bidd'st the north or south wind blow;
    The lonely sea bird is thy care;
    And in the clouds which come and go,
    We see thy chariots everywhere.
  3. The sun that lights the homeland dear
    Spreads the new morning o'er the deep;
    And in the dark thy stars appear,
    Keeping their watches while we sleep.
  4. And so, secure from all arms,
    Thy seas beneath, thy skies above,
    Clasped in the everlastng arms,
    We rest in thine unslumbering love. Amen.