Page:The Burden of Isis.djvu/24

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(Berlin Pap. 1425)

Invocation concerning the glorious things done by the two goddesses of th temple of Osiris, Khent-Amentit,[1] the great God of Abydos; performed in the 4th summer month, 25th day; likewise to be performed in every shrine of Osiris at every one of his Heb-festivals.[2]

Glorify his soul! Establish his dead body!
Praise his spirit! Give breath to his nostrils and to his parched throat!
Give gladness unto the heart of Isis and to that of Nephthys;
Place Horus upon the throne of his Father;
Give life, stability and power to Osiris Thentirti,[3]
Born of the great forsaken one, she who is called also Pelses, the truthful—
Glorious are her acts, according to the words of the gods.

  1. A title of Osiris—"Within the underworld"
  2. Heb—a special festival.
  3. Thentirti—name of Osiris.