Page:The Burden of Isis.djvu/62

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Lo! the coming of the lord of Deddu-above-the heavens—he strikes down rebellious hearts! (Repeat the words sixteen times to the accompaniment of musical instruments.)

It is finished.


May their names remain fixed, and not destroyed for ever before Osiris, Horus, Isis, Nephthys—those gods and goddesses who are herein mentioned; and before the gods and goddesses in their entirety who are in the underworld, and in the chambers and great shrines existing in the underworld.

Lo! may they cause to come forth these names existent in the underworld in excellence! Let them be invoked in the Nai-boat[1] of Ra. Let there be given for them funereal offerings upon the altar of the great God, day by day!

Let there be given for them cool water, and incense as to the excellent kings of Upper and Lower Egypt, who are existent in the underworld. Let them be permitted to go out and come in among those praised of Osiris, who is the breath of those in the underworld. Let it be caused that the beams of Aten[2] may fall upon their bodies every day.

  1. To carry souls.
  2. Sun God.