Page:The Cambridge Carol Book.djvu/15

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3.Shine in Eastern sky, thou Star,
Pointing to that house afar
Wherein Babe and Mother are.
Eya, eya, eya;
Puer idem varia
Fecit luminaria.

4.Hitherward! Ye Princes three,
Worship Him. Though poor He be,
Lord, and King of kings is He.
Eya, eya, eya;
In celesti patria
Vestra sors palacia,

5.Herdmen, leave your flocks, and run
To adore the Holy One,
God the Father's only Son.
Eya, eya, eya;
Qui creavit omnia,
Eius haec solempnia.

6.Ass, with ox that hauleth plow,
Fore thy Master, cradled now
In the manger, bend and bow.
Eya, eya, eya;
Inter animalia
Patrem parit filia.

7.Joseph, many of high degree,
King and Seer, have longed to see
Whom thou seest on Mary's knee.
Eya, eya, eya;
Deus, tuos visita,
Et nobiscum habita.

8.Now, good people, all of ye,
Magnify, with Maid Marie,
Christ and His Nativitie.
Eya, eya, eva;
Sociate musicá
Christi Natalitia.