Page:The Cambridge Carol Book.djvu/25

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'Good Joseph, 'neath that gable,
In chamber, great or small,
The host will not be able
To find us room withal:

5.'So turn we from the tavern,
And, seeing night is nigh,
Seek lodging in this cavern,
Where kine and assen lie.'
Ah! Bethlem, didst thou know it,
Of yonder Maid, e'er morn,
As Micah did foreshow it,
In thee shall God be born.


1.O the morn, the merry merry morn,
The morn of Christmas-Day,
When God, the Son of God, was born
Of Mary maiden ay!

2.Sweet the song, the happy happy song,
Precented at His birth,
And caught up by the heav'nly throng,
'Good-will, and Peace on earth!'

3.To the town, the tiny tiny town,
The town of Bethlem, ran
Some simple shepherds, o'er the down,
To view Him God and Man.

4.There within a cattle cattle shed
They find and worship Him,
Who rideth, in His realm o'erhead,
Upon the Cherubim.

5.So, my boys, my bonny bonny boys,
To Bethlem off be we
But, pray you, shun whate'er annoys
The Babe on Mary's knee.