Page:The Cambridge Carol Book.djvu/39

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Would not refuse
To nail Him to a tree,
And with a dart
To pierce His heart:
Thus mournèd He for me.

3.Now Christ Jesú,
Of love most true,
Have mercy upon me:
I ask Thee grace
For my trespass,
That I have done to Thee.
For Thy sweet Name,
Save me from shame
And all adversitie:
For Mary's sake,
To Thee me take,
And mourn no more for me.


(O dulcis Jesus)

Jesu, maltreated, roughly greeted,
With repeated scoff and blow,
O spare us, young or hoary!
Who foughtest knightly,
And didst rightly
Quell th' unsightly fiend our foe,
And now art clad with glory.
From hell-gate, long their prison,
Thy people Thou unchainest;
And Thou, the third day risen,
As King supreme remainest.

O dulcis Jesus, spinis laesus,
Flagris caesus asperis,