Page:The Cambridge Carol Book.djvu/50

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3.'Zacchaeus, haste thee down, and hither to My side!
For at thy house to-day I must with thee abide.'

4.Then did Zacchaeus make our Lord a welcome guest,
And entertain'd Him well, not sparing of his best:

5.The chamber of his heart he oped, and said moreo'er,
'Where I have wrongèd man, there four-fold I restore:

6.'With half-part of my goods the beggar's want I ease.'
God loveth well such faith, and works, the like of these.

7.Then merry make we, for the Feast requires it so:
Benédicámus Dóminórum Dómino!

8.So praise the Three in One! and after time of Mass,
Deó dicámus infinitas gracias!