Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/147

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herself after leaving the tribunal of penance without telling her sin! She always carries within her a viper that unceasingly lacerates her heart. The miserable being shall suffer a hell in this life, and a hell in the next. O my children, if any of you have fallen into the misfortune of concealing a sin through shame, let him take courage and confess it as soon as possible. It is enough for you to say to the confessor: Father, I feel ashamed to tell a certain sin; or to say, Father, I have a scruple regarding my past life. This is sufficient, for the confessor will take care to pluck out the thorn which torments you, and thus give peace to your conscience. And, oh! what joy shall you feel after having expelled the viper from your heart.” — St. Alphonsus.


1. You are to thank God for the grace of sacramental absolution. How truly valuable is that grace, and how many Catholics are there to whom it is not given ! How thankful should you be for being specially favoured by God, and with what fervour should you return thanks to heaven at least after each confession' 2. Neglect not the penance, or satisfaction, imposed by your confessor. Discharge that duty within the proper time and in a penitential spirit. It is sinful to omit any portion of it; and it is sinful also not to fulfil it within the appointed time, when it is within your power to do so. 3. Be careful to reduce to practice the good advice given by your confessor, and especially to fly the dangerous occasions of sin, to pray for help in times of temptation, and to approach the Sacraments as often at least as experience tells you it is necessary to do so, in order to keep you from falling into mortal sin, and so preserve the grace of God in your soul.