Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/198

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art really present in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. I confess thee with my whole heart, and adore thee in this Sacrament, as my Lord and Saviour, and to confess this truth I would gladly give my life. Thou dost come to enrich me with thy graces, and to unite me wholly to thyself: how great then should be my confidence in a visit so loving as this!


O MY heart, open wide to receive him ! Thy Jesus can enrich thee with all good, he loved thee so much; hope, then, for great favours from thy Saviour, who comes to thee so full of tenderness and love. Yes, dearest Jesus, thou art my hope. This is what I look for from thy love — that since thou givest thyself entirely to me this day, thou wilt enkindle in my heart a beautiful flame of pure love, and excite in me a sincere desire to please thee, that for the time to come my only wish may be to do what is pleasing to thee.


O MY God, my God, thou alone art the true friend of my soul. Couldst thou do more to win my love than thou hast done for me? Thou hast not only been willing to die for me, O my Divine Saviour, but thou hast even been pleased to institute this holy Sacrament, in order to give me thyself altogether, and thus unite thyself intimately with so mean and ungrateful a creature as I am. But this is not all — thou dost invite me thyself to receive thee, and this is thine ardent desire. O infinite, O incomprehensible love! a God desires to give himself wholly to me! O my soul, dost thou believe this? What art thou doing then? Hast thou nothing to say? O yes, my God ! infinite God! worthy of all