Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/229

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his beloved Son, the object of his most tender lore? Banish then every other thought, awaken thy faith* open thy heart, and ask whatever thou wilt. Dost thou not hear how Jesus himself says to thee; “What wilt thou have me do for thee? Speak, beloved soul, what doth thou desire of me? I have come in order to make thee rich and happy; ask with confidence, and thou shalt receive everything thou desirest.”

Ah I my dearest Saviour, since thou art come to me to fill me with graces, and desirest me to ask them of thee, I ask for no earthly goods, nor riches^nor honours, nor pleasures. Give me, I beseech thee, a great sorrow for all the displeasure which thou hast received from me* Give me a great light to show me the vanity of the world, and how much thou art worthy of being loved. Change my heart, detach it from all earthly affections, and give me a heart perfectly conformed to thy holy will, which seeks after thy good pleasure alone, and aspires to nothing else than to thy holy love.

I do not deserve all this, O my Jesus, but thou deservest it, thou who hast come to dwell in my soul. I ask it through thy merits, through the merits of thy holy Mother, and by the love thou bearest to thy eternal Father.

Here pause for a time, and ask of Jesus some special grace for yourself or your neighbour. Do not forget poor sinners and the souls in purgatory.

Eternal Father! Jesus Christ himself has said to us: “ Amen, amen, I say to you, if you ask the Father anything in my name he will give it you.” (John xvi. 23.) For love of this thy divine Son, who now dwells in my heart, hear me, and grant me what I now ask.