Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/241

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Jesus, my Saviour, the resurrection I hope for, and the crown I expect, may my life be hidden with thee in God ! O Jesus, whilst I dwell in this mortal flesh, may I live by faith, perpetually adoring thee in the divine eucharist, and admiring, without ceasing, the excessive greatness of thy love, which has made thee die, not only to' redeem me, but to give thyself to me in the holy sacrament, that I may live by thee. For this I will die to the world, to all creatures, and to myself. Amen.

Jesus Christ as our Viaticum.


O MY divine Redeemer! who hast instituted the adorable sacrament of the altar, not only to show forth thy death until thy last coming, but also to provide us with the necessary succours, whereby to prepare ourselves for our death, I come to thee to beg those graces and helps I stand in need of for making a Christian and a happy end. Thou art here, O Jesus, our true paschal victim, by virtue of which we happily quit the Egypt of this world, are rescued out of the hands of our bitter enemies who are eagerly bent on our destruction, and find a safe passage through a sea of difficulties and dangers, into the land thou hast promised for our inheritance. It is this consideration that now induces me humbly to approach thee, begging that thou wilt give thyself to me as a viaticum, assist me in my dangerous passage out of this life into the next, and bestow upon me those good dispositions, both remote and immediate, which are necessary for obtaining a happy death. In order thereto, grant, I beseech thee, O my Saviour! that treading faithfully in thy footsteps, I may lead, as thou dost on our altars, a life