Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/255

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you an example that you should follow his footsteps. (1 Pet. ii. 21.) During thirty years of subjection and labour, Jesus deigned in a peculiar manner to become the model of all Christians. Contemplate that model attentively, and consider with astonishment, that he who had descended from heaven to instruct, convert, and save the whole universe, employed the greater part of his life in seclusion; showing no otherwise the perfection of the Divinity which resided in him, than by obeying his parents, serving and assisting them, and fulfilling in all things the will of his heavenly Father. The accomplishment of that adorable will was the only object of his most vehement desires; it was so necessary to his happiness that he himself declared it to be his food, the support of his existence, the end of his mission on earth. This pure, upright, and divine intention of accomplishing the will of God, accompanied and enhanced the merit of all our Redeemer’s actions, so that one word, one sigh, one tear, one thought of Jesus Christ, was more meritorious in the sight of God, than the labours and austerities of all the saints. Learn then, from the hidden life of Jesus, that lesson of perfect conformity to the will of God, by which alone you can resemble him, and attain true sanctity. Resolve, in every stage of your life, to place all your perfection in being about the business of your heavenly Father; that is, in faithfully discharging the duties which Providence has allotted you, whatever they may be. If you be firmly convinced that this faithful, cheerful, persevering discharge of duty, is true sanctity, and a real imitation of Jesus Christ, you will carefully avoid that disedifying system of devotion pursued by many, who say long prayers; spend, or rather lose, much time in churches; who frequent the sacra-