Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/268

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thou art pleased to lead me, and forgive me, O Lord, all the sins I have committed by my disordered steps.


LET my heart be now the temple of the Holy Ghost, and pardon all the sins by which I have banished thee from my heart and defiled my soul.

By this holy anointing and the power of thy grace. O God, forgive me all my sins and convert my heart wholly to thee, that I may cheerfully submit to death in punishment of my offences, and so enter into thy eternal rest. Amen.



ST. PAUL compares the union which should exist between the married couple, to that which exists between Christ and His Church.

So holy a union should never be entered on in a light and inconsiderate manner, for it is a tie which only the death of one of the parties can dissolve. Those who are about to be married, in order to receive the fruit of the sacrament, must also be in the state of grace, that is, free from mortal sin. To get married without previously purifying the conscience by confession of every mortal sin that burdened it, would of itself be a grievous sin. A pure intention is also of great consequence. There are three lawful ends, such as God had in the institution of marriage, viz.: to be a mutual help to each other; to have children who may serve God; and to prevent incontinence.