Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/290

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consider that hell is waiting for yon also, if you sin. Even now its horrid flames are burning under your feet, and Oh, at this moment, even while you are reading these words, how many souls are falling into it! Remember that when you have once entered there, you can never leave it. And if you have deserved hell, thank God that he has not yet cast you into it, and hasten as soon as possible to remedy the evil. Mourn for your sins and use all the means that are in your power for your salvation. Go frequently to confession, read daily some spiritual book, say the Rosary every day in honour of the Mother of God, that you may obtain a great devotion to her; fast, if possible, every Saturday in honour of Mary, resist temptations, and often call upon Jesus and Mary when you are tempted. Avoid the occasions of sin, and if God should call you to leave the world, then do it, yes, do it! Ah ! everything that we can do to avoid an eternity of suffering is little — is nothing. “No certainty can be too great, where we are in peril for eternity,” says St. Bernard. In order to place yourself in safety for eternity, no foresight is too far-reaching. See how many hermits, that they might avoid hell, have gone into caves and deserts, and there lived ! And what are you doing for your soul? what are you doing, you that have so often deserved hell? what are you doing? [ Think of your besetting sin.] See to it, that you are not lost. Give yourself once for all to God, and say to him : O Lord! behold me ready to do everything thou requirest of me. O Mary, help me! [Endeavour to arouse your will to the deepest contrition , and make a firm resolution.]