Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/302

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heads with ashes, and our whole bodies with haircloth. If we have not a sincere sorrow for our sins, if we do not entirely renounce our criminal attachments, we are impostors, and not penitents. Prayers, alms, fasting, and macerations of the flesh, are but the outsides of repentance, the hatred of sin is its very spirit and essence.

[Implore God’s mercy for haring hitherto led a life so opposite to the Gospel; and beg of him the grace to live for the future as the first Christians did, in the constant practice of penance.]

“ Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish.” — Luke xiii. 3.

“ To penitents I say, to what purpose Is it that you be humbled, if with this you be not changed.” — St. Austin.


1. By deferring so long to give myself up to God, it should seem as if I intended to escape out of his hands. Is it then a misfortune to belong to him? To-morrow — to-morrow ! Why not to-day? Why not this very moment? Will my chains be more easily broken to-morrow? Will my heart be less hard? No, certainly. Time, that weakens everything else, adds new strength to bad habits. By putting off the remedy, the complaint becomes incurable.

2. What is it that prevents our obeying the voice that calls us to repentance? What is it that terrifies us? That there is great difficulty in changing our lives must certainly be granted; but what should not a Christian do who adores a crucified God, and who looks up to heaven? If we have anything to fear, it should be the abuse of God’s graces.

3. There is time to come. But can I call it mine? Is it a possession of which I am master? God waits for me, it is true: the Scripture tells me so; but still it doth not tell me how long I am to live. He