Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/323

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receive spiritually, for the nourishment of our souls with heavenly grace from this fountain of grace. Oh, come, dear Jesus, into our poor famished souls, satisfy our hunger here this day with this heavenly bread, till we come to the more happy day of eternity, where all veils being withdrawn, we shall for ever feast upon thy divinity. In the meantime, as to the necessities of this life, grant us what, in thy wisdom, thou seest best for us, and most conducive to thy honour and our eternal welfare.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.

Our sins, Lord, are innumerable, the debt that we owe thee is infinite; and we are poor and miserable, unable of ourselves to discharge the least part of this debt, or to make satisfaction for the least of these sins. But, prostrate in spirit before thee, we humbly implore thy mercy. We desire to offer thee the sacrifice of a contrite and humble heart. We offer thee the death and passion of thy only Son, which he has made over to us for the discharge of our debts. And, as he has promised forgiveness to those that  % forgive, we here from our hearts forgive all that have offended us, and hope through him to obtain forgiveness from thee.

Lead us not into temptation.

Alas ! O Lord, man’s life upon earth is a continual temptation. We are encompassed on all sides with mortal enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil, are ever attacking us with united forces. Our only hope in all these dangers and conflicts is in thy strength and protection. O stand thou - for us, and we care not who is against us. We believe that thou art faithful, and volt not suffer us to be tempted above