Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/420

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O HOLY Virgin! by the bitter tears which thou didst shed in seeking thy beloved Son, obtain for me, I beseech thee, grace to know and detest the sins by which I have lost his divine presence, that increasing daily in his love, I may labour with such ardour and perseverance to repair by future fidelity my past abuse of grace, as never more to be separated from Jesus, thy divine Son.

Fourth Mystery.


MEDITATE, with profound humility, the sorrow that penetrated the Virgin’s heart on meeting her divine Son sinking beneath the heavy cross which he bore to Calvary. What a heartrending spectacle for such a mother! yet, understanding that it was at this price alone our redemption could be accomplished, she unites the sacrifice of her own love to that of her divine Son, in whose sufferings she participates even to the last sigh.

Our Father, etc.


O MOTHER of my Redeemer! since my sins, in overwhelming thy beloved Son with the weight of this ignominious cross, have been also the cause of thy dolors, I conjure thee by thy tender compassion for his sufferings, to obtain for me grace to support patiently whatever he shall be pleased to send me; that by resignation in suffering, and fervour in his service, I may expiate the opprobrium he has endured for my iniquities.