Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/514

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O HOLY youth! why have not I a heart as pure, as tender, and inflamed with the love of God as yours was? During your mortal life upon earth, you imitated that lively and ardent charity which animates the blessed spirits in heaven. This encourages me to apply to you, to obtain for me from the Almighty a thorough change of my heart. Yes; I make bold to present to you this frozen and insensible heart. Obtain for me some sparks of that divine fire which inflamed and consumed your soul. Teach me at length to know and to love my God, my sovereign, my only good. Alas! I see, and to my shame I own it, that I am deficient in my most essential duty, whilst I refuse to my God the love which I owe to him. I foolishly give my heart to vile and perishable creatures, and I do not love my Creator, my Redeemer, and my Father. I therefore conjure you, through that ardent love which you ever had for this divine Master, and which you wished you had the power to enkindle in every heart, to inspire me with sentiments far different from those which I have hitherto entertained. Exert your influence with our common Lord, to obtain for me the grace to live and to die in the love of my God: this is the greatest favour that I can expect from your powerful protection. Amen.


Prayer .

ALLOW me, great Saint, to prostrate myself at the feet of the throne of glory to which the Lord has raised you in heaven. Allow me to congratulate with you on that unspeakable happiness which you now enjoy, and will enjoy for all eternity. Blessed be the