Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/96

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to visit me, leave me some token of thy presence; enable me to overcome my passions, particularly that from which I may fear the worst consequences at the hour of my death. Do not refuse me, since it is for thy glory that I beg it. I am conscious that my continued offences deserve that thou shouldst let me die in them, but the blood which thou hast shed to cleanse me from them, cries to the Eternal Father for mercy. “ What shall I render to the Lord for all things that he hath rendered to me? I will take the chalice of salvation , and call upon the name of the Lord.” ( Psalm cxv. 12, 13.) What shall I return thee for thyself, which thou hast been pleased to give me? I will give thee my life, which is all that have. I really desire then to die, if such be thy will. Unite my death to thine, and if thou canst not say to me, as thou didst to Magdalen, “ Many sins are forgiven her because she hath loved much” ( Luke vii. 47), say at least to me, as thou didst by thy prophet to repentant Israel, u I am he that blots out thy iniquities for my own sake , and I will not remember thy sins .” (Is. xliii. 25.) O Eternal Father! thy Son has given himself to me, that I may offer him to thy justice to cancel my debts, and to obtain all I stand in need of. I present him to thee with all the merits of his life and death, begging that I may be discharged from the heavy load of my sins, that I may receive the last sacraments with the necessary dispositions, and be enriched with all that I may require to make my death precious in thy sight. With joy I receive death from thy hands, because it gives me to thee, and because it alone can bestow thee upon me, by a happy exchange. Amen.