Page:The Comic English Grammar.djvu/134

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"As for me, as soon I'd smother.
As I'd drown a sucking cat.
You, you cub, or any other,
Nasty little squalling brat."

"Would you, you disagreeable old Bachelor?"

This form may take an additional long syllable, but this measure is very uncommon. Example:

"Chrōnŏnhōtǒnthōlǒgōs thĕ Grēat,
Godlike in a barrow kept his state."

5. The fifth Trochaic species is likewise uncommon; and, as a Bowbellian would say, "uncommon" ugly, It contains five trochees: as,

"Hēre lĭes Mārў, wīfe ŏf Thōmăs Cārtěr,
Who to typhus fever proved a martyr."

These are a specimen of the "uncouth rhymes" so touchingly alluded to by Gray.

6. The sixth form of the English Trochaic is a line of six trochees: as,

"Mōst běwītching dāmsěl, charmĭng Arăbēllă,
Prithee, cast an eye of pity on a fellow."

The Dactylic measure is extremely uncommon. The