Page:The Galaxy, Volume 5.djvu/46

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"The bogus Franklin. He said he was with you to-day at a medium's, and again deceived you by giving the name of Charlotte Brontë."

"I suspected as much," I answered, "and I think I had. better not meet him."

"I think you had; he is well-disposed, and regrets that he has practiced upon you."

We sat for some time after this, talking on indifferent subjects, and then my companion, rising suddenly, and shaking by the hand something that, to me, seemed like a shadow cast by the gas-light, said, "I am glad you have come. I was fearful you would disappoint us."

Then the voice I had so often heard, borne again inwardly into my ear, answered, "I have been unavoidably delayed. I did not intend to be late."

"Sit down," said my friend. "We both feel kindly toward you."

"I thank you," answered the spirit; "but I will not sit until he says I am forgiven."

"Then sit down at once," I said. "I freely forgive you."

The voice was husky and tremulous that answered, "Blood will tell, young man! That is spoken like your father! I have met him within the hour, and, from his own lips, have heard the words you have just spoken."

"My father! have you met him?" I asked, eagerly.

"Yes; it was he that detained me."

"Where is he now?"

"Where I hope some day to be. But he always watches over you. It was he who saved you from the evil I would have done you."

An indescribable emotion passed over me; but a single doubt rested on my mind, and I said, "Then why has he never communicated with me?"

"Because you sought truth. not him, and his knowledge of spirit- life is limited. He has been here only thirty years. It was better that you should learn from spirits who have been higher and lower than he has. He has brought such spirits to you, and has kept you from deception and danger."

"But he did not prevent your deceiving me."

"No; in that he was overruled by those who are higher than he. That temptation was necessary to your spiritual growth. None of us—spirits or mortals—can progress without passing through trials.

"You once accused me of talking like a parson; I might retort on you now."

"You might, for I am a parson; but I am now only stating a great spiritual law."

"Well, what had my father to forgive you?"