Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/220

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the grace of the Lord.'<r25> As examples of the use of (ge)scea- wian in the sense of " regard, pay respect to, give heed to" I would call attention to the following: Gif hwa sie abisegod mid hwelcuw scylduw, ge Sonne <5e gaesSlice sindon gelaera<5 3a suelcan mid monn<5waernesse gaeste; gesceawiaS eow selfe, ftylaes eow becume costung (Pastoral Care, ed. Sweet, 159, 9ff.; cf. Gal. 6:1: si praeoc- cupatus fuerit homo in aliquo delicto, vos, qui spirituals estis, hujusmodi instruite in spiritu lenitatis: considerans te ipsum, ne et tu tenteris); In biboduw Sinuw mec ic beom bigongen & sceawiu wegas Sine (Vespasian Psalter 118:15, ed. Sweet in Oldest English Texts, p. 360, glossing: In mandatis tuis me exercebo et considerabo vias tuas) ; On beboduw pinuw me ic beow begongyn & ic gesceawige wegas pine (Cambridge Psalter, 118:15, ed. Wildhagen, glossing: In mandatis tuis me exer- cebor; et considerabo uias tuas); brego engla beseah on Abeles gield eaguw sinum, cyning eallwihta, Caines ne wolde tlber sceawian (Genesis 976 ff.), 26 Min saul mycclap Drihten & min gast wynsumap on God minum Haelende; forobn he sceawode pa eapmodnesse his peowene (Blickling Homilies, 7, 2 ff' cf. Luke 1:48: quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae); Quia respexit: forpon pu nu sceawa pines maeg(d)enes eapmodnesse (Blick- ling Homilies, 159, 3 f.); Be Sam cwaeS se witega, "Se healica Drihten sceawaS pa eadmodan, and pa modigan feorran oncnsewS." (Aelfric, Homilies, ed. Thorpe, I, 128, 27 f.; cf. Ps. 137:6: Quoniam excelsus Dominus et humilia respicit, et alta a longe cognoscit) ; 25 It is just possible that the passage may mean: "He was not gold-greedy, he had rather sought the grace of the Lord," for Genesis 2593 furnishes some support for taking sceawian in the sense of "seek": ac him Loth gewat of byrig gangan & his beam somed waelstowe fyrr wlc sceawian, 0(5 ]>cei hie be hli<5e heare dune eortSscraef fundon. It seems more likely, however, that in this passage sceawian means "provide" or "appoint." For passages establishing these meanings see Bosworth and Toller, s.v. Pierquin keeps the MS. reading and translates: "Car il (Beowulf), n'avait pas etc avide de /' or, mats n'avait cherche des 1'abord, et constamment, qu' a glorifier le Seigneur. " He does not discuss the passage. 26 Cf. Gen. 4:4, 5: Et respexit Dominus ad Abel, et ad munera ejus. Ad

Cain vero, et ad munera illius non respexit.