Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/247

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Grunwald's Song 241 rime: "ich hoff jedoch, es wird sich noch"; and finally, the reading of B in the last line of the song, "widerumb freud vnd wonne, " would rime perfectly with "sonne" of A. Since the Kolner Liederbuchlein was evidently based upon the Frankfort collection, the difference in these two texts is striking. The compiler of the former song book no doubt recognized that the poem should have an acrostic and inserted here a version he knew from some other source. Version A, coming to light as it does after B had been care- fully studied by the best authority on 16th century song texts (Kopp), has all the greater interest. The two versions give us another good example of a Kunstlied which has been altered in tradition. CHAS. A. WILLIAMS.

University of Illinois.