Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/357

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The Furness Variorum 353 Lectures" 1874, Gary's "Dante" New York, 1852, Minto's "Characteristics" Boston, 1901, and Froude's "Caesar," New York, n.d.l V. TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS Some slips that might be considered merely typographical have been listed under the preceding headings, and some of those classified below under our sixth heading might well be included here; Mr. Tannenbaum, too, has pointed out many others, in the Dial; but there still remain plenty of specimens of Mr. Furness' amazing carelessness in this particular. In the text: I, iii, 103, "Not" should be "Nor." II, ii, 93, "shall" should be "will." Ill, i, 321, "Qctavius" should be "Octavius." IV, ii, 8, "He greets we well" should be "He greets me well. " In the textual notes: On I, i, 70: "Cam.+," should be "Cam.+." On I, i, 71: "Cam.+." should be "Cam.+," On II, i, 85: the first F 4 should be F 2. On II, i, 231: the reference belongs to line 230. On II, i, 341: "who' there that" should read "who's there that." On III, i, 319, 320: the reference belongs to lines 318, 319. On IV, iii, 62: the reference belongs to line 63. On IV, iii, 155, 159: "Lucillius" should read "Lucilius. " On V, iv, 10: a line is missing, giving the list of editors who assign this speech to Lucilius. In the footnotes: On I, ii, 71: for "1. 72" read "l. 73." On II, i, 219: for "De Quincy" read "De Quincey." On III, i: 'capitoP lacks the closing quotation-mark. On IV, i, 53, 54: for II, ii, 228, read III, i, 228. On IV, iii, 28: for "Capells' " read "Capell's." On IV, iii, 161: for "illusion" read "allu- sion"! In the Appendix: the accentuation of "Mezieres," page 388, differs radically from that adopted in the Bibliography, page 471. Page 467, line 16: "all subsequent" might better be printed in italics. Page 472, line 39: the period after Text should be deleted. Pages 476, line 6, and 477, line 6, second columns: for "De Quincy" read "De Quincey." Page 477, last line in first column : for " intensitively " read " intensively. " Page 479, line 15, first column: for "Indiretion" read "Indirec- tion." Page 480, line 6, first column: for " Miribilia" read

"Mirabilia." Page 481, fourteenth line from bottom of first