Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/559

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Hebrew-German Paraphrase of the Book Esther 555 Selik die Megila. Die megilla hot ein end, got uns maschiach bald send, am fritag, eht un' zwenzik tag in dem erstn adar, 1520 den es is eben gewesn ds jar ibbur, im jar da mir zeln dri hundrt un' vier, got jithbarech helf uns us dem galuth bald un' schier. Amen 1516a. selik, end of. 1518. mashiach, Messiah. 1520. ibbur, leap-year. The Jewish calendar has thirteen months in such a year; the twelfth is then called the First Adar and the thirteenth the Second Adar. 1521. i.e., (5)304 of the era of Creation = 1544 of the Christian era.

1522. yithbarech, blessed be He. Galuth, exile.