Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/97

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Graves 91 Or let us, in conclusion, regard the figures from the viewpoint of other aesthetic requirements, of uniqueness, contrast, graphic- ness, truth and variety. There is, for example, nothing trite nor worn in such a metaphor as: "Gliihende Macht der Sehnsucht hebt die geangstigte Seele in die Liifte auf zarten, gebrechlichen Fliigeln, sie fahrt wieder eine selige Weile durch ein verklartes Universum da kommt ein Windstoss, und sie stiirzt wie ein Schmetterling im Sturme in das Erdenthal der Wirklichkeit herab. " The truth of this figure is evident to all who have experienced the soul-uplifting, care-annihilating effects of a powerful passion. Through the reference to the butterfly the image also attains a considerable measure of " Anschaulichkeit. " Or place beside this the remarkable simile: "Wie eine allzu kurze Decke in eiskalter Nacht bald dies Glied, bald ein anderes frei lasst, dass sich der Miide ruhlos umherwirft und das Gefiihl seiner Noth in seinen Traum mit hineinnimmt, so deckt auch das schwarze Tuch des Vergessens, der Schlaf, die Seele Reinholds nicht vollig; ..." Here we have a comparison at once novel, true, and graphic, with an extremely sharp and forceful contrast between the "kurze Decke" and "das schwarze Tuch des Vergessens, der Schlaf," the former covering the body imperfectly, the latter the soul. Observe also the plasticity of such figures, as: "Der Himmel stand tiefblau, wie aus einem grossen Amethyst geschnitten, da . . . ," or " Ueberall sah sein Blick die Goldader im formlosen Block. " As for variety, one need only to glance at the specimens quoted above to note the wide range of our author's figures. In fact, deficient as are Meissner's novels in many respects, it will scarcely be denied that in his use of metaphors and similes he has achieved a con- siderable measure of success. ARTHUR ROLLINS GRAVES.

University of Minnesota.