Page:The Roman index of forbidden books.djvu/33

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ber- of learned priests and bishops, generally called Consultors, assist the cardinals and practically do the greater part of the work, though the final decision in all cases is reserved to the cardinals. Outside of the Congregations there are also several Ecclesiastical Courts in Rome, one of which will be named later on.

The highest of the Roman Congregations is the Sacrum Officium, the "Holy Office," the prefect of which is the Pope himself. It was founded in 1542. Its purpose is to watch over the purity of Faith and to judge of the doctrines propounded in any part of the Church whether by word of mouth or by printed publications. For a number of years after its organization there was no other authority entrusted with the task of examining and passing on books. When Paul IV intended to publish the Index of Forbidden Books mentioned on page 11, the Holy Office did the preparatory work and drew up the list of books to be inserted. Fourteen years later, however, it was thought that a separate Congregation would be better able to attend to the examination