Page:The Roman index of forbidden books.djvu/46

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or for the rest of his mortal life consort with the Trappists. Were it morally certain, however, that almost all the copies of a book were destroyed, a prohibitory decree would fail of its purpose.

B. The Index Does Not Advertise Bad Books.

Now and then there is expressed an apprehension lest the Index, far from suppressing, rather advertises bad books and arouses a desire to read them. It is even maintained that in some cases evil-minded authors have intentionally written so as to get their books put on the Index.

Now, every prohibitory law may have the effect of increasing the inclination of men towards the prohibited thing or act. Thus a person may possibly feel a stronger appetite for meat on Friday than on any other day of the week. We have inherited this tendency from Eve, who, when tempted, saw that the forbidden fruit "was good to eat and fair to the eye and delightful to behold," and then proceeded to violate the first prohibitory law ever given.