Page:The Roman index of forbidden books.djvu/48

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their own ignorance or malice if the reading of a condemned book results in spiritual hurt.

C. Index Decisions Not Omitted for Fear of Apostasies.

A book, we are reminded, often represents the opinions not only of its author, but of many of his disciples and admirers. By forbidding it and thus branding such opinions as erroneous, it is said, many influential men may become embittered and may even be driven into an attitude of open hostility.

However, the Church is in duty bound to exercise her guardianship; which she cannot do if every one is to have his own way. Nor can the Church neglect the mass of her children in order to accommodate this or that coterie or school, whose opinions are manifestly wrong.

Moreover, to be a trustworthy guide, the Church must state the truth clearly and unmistakably. The faithful are not guided by ambiguous circumlocutions, by terms that may be understood in two or perhaps