Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 2).djvu/474

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Portraits of Celebrities.


Age 45.
From a Photograph.
Age 84.
From a Photo. by Messrs. Elliott & Fry.

Age 16.
From a Painting.

M RS. KEELEY was born in Ipswich in 1806, and although she is now in her 85th year, has a fund of animal spirits and vivacity which the young might envy. Time was when she was the idol of the theatrical public, as she is now the idol of her numerous circle of private friends. As far back as 1825 she was playing Rosina at the Lyceum. At the Adelphi, in 1838, she created a sensation by her performance of Smike; but the success she achieved in that character was eclipsed by her subsequent triumph as Jack Sheppard. All London went to see it, and she was the talk of the town. Her brilliant subsequent career, too long for this brief memoir, included Betty Martin, which stands perhaps as the most remarkable example. The old lady enjoys the best of health, and her face is as merry and her eyes as bright as in the days of her youth.