Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 3).djvu/271

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Born 1844.

Age 18.
From a Photo. by Duroni, Milan.
Age 34.
From a Photo. by Mauri, Naples.
Age 24.
From a Photo. by Le Lieure, Turin.
Age 47.
From a Photo. by Alessandri, Rome.

K ING HUMBERT IV. at eighteen had already attended his father through the War of Independence, and obtained an early insight into political and military life. At twenty-two he was present at the disastrous battle of Custozza, where he is said to have performed prodigies of valour. At twenty-four, at which age our second portrait represents him, he married, at Turin, the charming lady whose portraits we give on the opposite page. At thirty-four, the age of our third portrait, he succeeded to the throne, on the death of his father, January 9, 1878. In the same year, as he was entering Naples, a man named Giovanni Passanante rushed up to the royal carriage, and stabbed his Majesty with a poniard; the wound, however, fortunately proving slight.