Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 3).djvu/93

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N the last century there lived in the little town of Gaillac, in Languedoc, a young merchant, who, having arrived at an age when he wished to settle down in life, sought a wife. Providing she was sweet-tempered, witty, rich, pretty, and of good family, he was not particular about the rest; for Michael knew that he must be moderate in his desires. Unhappily he could not see in Gaillac one who appeared worthy of his choice. All the young girls had some known fault, not to mention those which were not known. At length he was told of a young lady of Lavaur endowed with innumerable good qualities, and a dowry of twenty thousand crowns. This sum was exactly that required by Michael to establish himself in business; so he instantly fell in love with the young lady of Lavaur. He obtained an introduction to the family, who liked his appearance, and gave him a good reception. But the young heiress had many suitors, from whom she hesitated to make a definite choice. After several discussions it was decided by her parents that the contending lovers should be brought together at a ball and after having compared them a choice should be made.

On the appointed day Michael set out for Lavaur. His portmanteau was packed with his finest clothes, an apple-green coat, a lavender vest, breeches of black velvet, silk stockings with silver trees, buckle shoes, powder-box, and a satin ribbon for his queue. His horse was harnessed with gay trappings. Futhermore the prudent traveller, not having a pistol to put in his holsters, had slipped in a little bottle of wine and several slices of almond cake, in order to have something to hand to keep his courage up. For in reality now that the day had come he was in a very anxious state, and when he saw in the distance the church of Lavaur he felt quite taken aback. He slackened the pace of his horse, then dismounted, and in order to reflect upon what he should do at the ball he entered a little wood and sat down on the turf. He drew from his holsters, to keep him company, the almond cake and the bottle; the latter he placed between his knees, so that without thinking of it he varied his reflections by sips of wine and mouthfuls of cake. These distractions somewhat enlivened him and gave him confidence, so much so, that he began to discover in himself a number of virtues and excellences which could not fail to ensure him the victory.

The sun having disappeared from the horizon he was about to pursue his journey, when he heard a sound behind him amongst the leaves as of a multitude of little footsteps trampling the grass in tune to the music of a flute and cymbals. Astonished, he turned round, and by the light of the first stars, he perceived a troop of fairies, who were running headed by the king, Tambourinet. In their rear, turning over and over like a wheel, was the buffoon of the little people, Drak, the fairy.

The fairies surrounded the traveller, and gave him a thousand welcomes and good wishes. Michael, who had drank too freely not to be brave welcomed them as old