Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/104

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that he could make no impression upon that stony organ, he rose at length, and, muttering something about needing a breath of fresh air, went out to conceal his intense disappointment and chagrin.

Outside the house, a lean ass was lying in a small shed munching some miserable scraps of straw. Rajeb, who loved animals, pitied the poor, starved creature; and, after caressing him, went to a shop and bought some barley, which he gave him, together with a drink of water. After that, he returned to his uncle's house, in which he spent a most uncomfortable night, lying upon the floor. In the morning, after another wretched repast, the nephew was about to take his leave when Jousoff remarked: "I have an ass which is of no use to me. It is all the property left to me, and if you like you may—accompany me to the market, and see me sell it." Rajeb agreed to the proposal, and they went together to the ass's stall. The young man bestowed another caress upon the poor animal, which looked at him with strangely meaning-full eyes, and struck the ground with his foot several times. He seemed to Rajeb to say, "Buy me."

All the way to the market, our hero was debating within himself as to whether or no he should buy the ass, in answer to his mute appeal. Something—he knew not what, unless it were a feeling of compassion—strongly impelled him to do so. When the little party had reached their destination, several would-be purchasers presented themselves, for the animal was young and had no other fault than the skinniness produced by starvation. One said he would give two hundred piastres, another offered three hundred, another five hundred. Rajeb, perceiving that his uncle was willing to take the lastnamed sum, offered a few piastres more, making sure that he should now get the ass.

"What on earth do you want with the beast?" inquired his avaricious relative.

"I am resolved to possess it," replied Rajeb.

"Well, then," said the old man, with a greedy look, "give me a thousand piastres, and it shall be yours."

And, as by this time the youth felt that at any cost (although he knew not why) he must have the ass, he agreed at length even to this exorbitant demand; the bargain was concluded.

"Slain by highway robbers."

As nearly all Rajeb's money was at Cairo, he invited his uncle to accompany him thither, in order to get his piastres. Since he had changed masters, the ass seemed a different creature, and fairly danced to the city. There Rajeb duly handed over to his uncle the stipulated sum, and entertained him very hospitably for a few days, after which Jousoff said farewell, and departed to his own home.