Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/157

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Age 27.
From a Photo. by Mora, New York.
Age 43.
From a Photo. by Chancellor, Dublin.
Age 35.
From a Photo. by Bergamasco, St. Petersburg.
Present Day.
From a Photo. by Van der Veyde.

T HIS celebrated bass singer first made his appearance in Italy in 1865, and, owing to his great success, was engaged by M. Bagier for the Italian Opera in Paris, and subsequently came to London. He was then engaged by Mr. Mapleson at Her Majesty's Theatre, after which he appeared at the Royal Italian Opera House, Covent-garden, being cast for all the leading bass parts in "Robert the Devil," "The Huguenots," "William Tell," and Verdi's "Aïda."

He also accompanied Adelina Patti on her tour through Russia in the early part of 1870, when both these eminent performers were received with a most enthusiastic welcome. In the Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace, and at Birmingham and other provincial festivals, he has appeared with great success. In fact, since 1866 he has constantly been before the British public, with whom his fine voice and splendid style de have rendered him a special favourite. Signor Foli has, indeed, with the exception, perhaps, of Edouard de Reszké, the finest bass voice of modern times.