Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/263

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Born 1853.

Present Day.
From a Photo. by Ball, Waterloo Place, S.W.

M R. FRANK DICKSEE is the son of Mr. Thomas Francis Dicksee, the artist, from whom he received his first instruction in art. At the age of seventeen he entered the Royal Academy as a student, and two years later gained a silver medal for a drawing from the antique. At twenty-five he obtained a gold medal for an historical painting, "Elijah confronting Ahab and Jezebel in Naboth's Vineyard," and in the following year exhibited the picture. At that time he also worked at drawings for book illustrations, and made some designs for stained glass. Mr. Dicksee was only twenty-four when he exhibited his well-known picture, entitled "Harmony," which has attained such wide-spread popularity as an etching. At the age of twenty-eight he was elected an A. R. A.; his promotion to the rank of Royal Academician took place a few months ago. Among the best known of Mr. Dicksee's pictures may be mentioned "Evangeline," (1879), "The Love Story" (1883), "Romeo and Juliet" (1884), "Memories" (1886), "The Passing of Arthur" (1889), "The Redemption of Tannhäuser" (1890), to which may now be added "Startled," exhibited in the Royal Academy of the present year as his diploma work, on his election as an Academician.