Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/405

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Shafts from an Eastern Quiver.


By Charles J. Mansford, B.A.


H E seems to be making for our tent, Frank," I exclaimed to Denviers, as we stood gazing over the waste of sand which lay between us and the town of Ghuzni, which towered before us on a rock three hundred feet above the surrounding plain.

"The fellow runs magnificently,' answered my companion, in a tone of admiration; "but for all that I am inclined to think his efforts are being made in vain. Look at that Afghan behind him; he is almost within striking distance of the fugitive!"

"Fleeing across the plain."

Fleeing across the plain was a man whose aquiline nose, intense black eyes, and swarthy complexion disclosed the characteristics of the Hebrew race from which the crowd of Afghans, who hotly pursued him, claimed their descent. On they came, rushing like a horde of barbarians, while they wildly flourished their sabres and daggers, or whatever weapons they had been able to hastily snatch up. The man's body, although slender, was well proportioned, and in spite of the evident danger in which he was in I could not help noticing as he gradually neared us the picturesque effect of the garb which he wore. Round his loins was passed a many-coloured scarf, which drew close to his form an embroidered garment which formed a loose covering for the upper part of his body, leaving his bronzed chest partly exposed, and then hung down covering him as far as the knees. A sash, made of the same material as the scarf, bound his head like a turban, the end of it fluttering behind him, its hue contrasting forcibly with the Afghan's heavy eyebrows and black beard. By his side hung a curved scimitar, shaped like that which Persians usually wear, but which he made no attempt to use, for, against the fierce howling mob which followed him, he knew that it would be worse than useless for him to endeavour to make a stand.

"Hassan!" shouted Denviers to our guide, who was within the tent preparing some food for us, "what is the cause of this?"