Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/473

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Born 1869.

Age 8 months.
From a Photo. by Montabone, Milan.
Age 10.
From a Photo. by Mauri, Naples.

Age 22.
From a Photo. by F. d’Alessandri, Rome.

V ICTOR EMMANUEL FERDINAND MARIE JANUARIUS, Prince of Naples, who has been recently visiting this country, is the son and heir of the King and Queen of Italy. He was born at Naples on the 11th of November, 1869, and will therefore celebrate his twenty-third birthday just about the date at which this notice will be in our readers' hands. He has been brought up as a soldier, and now holds the rank of colonel, but he is of a modest and retiring disposition, deeply attached to his parents, who have brought him up in the best traditions of his house. Stories are often told of him—how, in his boyhood, he saved up his pocket-money to buy little presents for his mother. Like his father, he is frank of speech, and is noted in the army for his zeal and strict attention to duty. He is, in short, no unworthy scion of the most ancient and honourable House of Savoy from which he has sprung, and the traditions of which it will become his lot to support when, in due course, it will fall to his lot to ascend, in his turn, the throne of Italy.