Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/535

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have plenty of time to chat with your mother-in-law when you become our son. Come, supper is getting cold. Let us have the whole evening to enjoy ourselves; make the best of your time, my boy, to-morrow you will be married."

"The king stroked his chin."

Having made this remark, which he thought rather witty, the King glanced at the Queen, but he received such a look in return that he immediately stroked his chin and contemplated the flies on the ceiling.

Here end the adventures of Prince Holar. Happy days have no history. We only know that he succeeded his father-in-law and became a powerful ruler. Being something of a liar as well as a thief, bold yet artful, he had all the qualities needful for a conqueror. He took more than a thousand acres of land, which he lost and re-conquered three times, in doing which he sacrificed six armies. In the celebrated annals of Skalholt and Holar his name figures gloriously. We refer our readers to these famous and most interesting records.