Page:Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China.djvu/229

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was reached when he visited Calcutta in 1827, and convinced the authorities, after much difficulty, that there was a better way to and from England than by the Cape route. He established a regular service of caravans across Egypt, built eight halting-places in the desert between Cairo and Suez, converted a dangerous path, beset with robbers, into secure highway, and from 1827 to 1833 carried the overland mail. Associated with him was Mr. Geo. W. Wheatley, and the firm of Wheatley & Co. were the first to develop to any great extent, the parcel-carrying business. Since those days the trade has grown by leaps and bounds. In Hongkong Messrs. McEwen, Frickel & Co. were largely concerned in it. Indeed, this particular department grew almost too unwieldy to be managed successfully in conjunction with their other interests, and in July, 1907, Mr. S. D. Hickie, who had been in charge of the business for several years, purchased it outright; now there is probably no Hongkong firm better known abroad than the "China Express Company." They have connections with every civilised part of the globe, and there is certainly no question as to the efficiency of their organisation. They have about eight hundred agencies in the principal ports and cities of the world, each with sub-agencies for the distribution and reception of goods. Mr. Hickie also carries on a general export and import business, and offers particular facilities to small importers. The headquarters of the China Express Company are at No. 3, Duddell Street.



During the ten years of its existence the China Mutual Life Insurance Company, Ltd., has made wonderful progress, and to-day ranks amongst companies of longer standing and greater pretensions. It is incorporated under the Companies Ordinances of the Hongkong Government, and at the close of the financial year, March 31, 1907, its accounts showed insurance in force amounting to $31,655,517, assets $4,989,042, income $2,339,341, reserve $4,296,721, surplus $526,575, and total security to policy holders $5,508,228. The moneys of the Company are carefully invested, and not less than 90 per cent. of the surplus must be distributed as dividends among the policy holders. Policies are issued in most of the usual forms—children's endowment, limited payment life, ordinary life, and endowment, all with profits—and they are unconditional and incontestable from the date of issue. The head offices are in Shanghai. The Hongkong office is situated in the Alexandra Buildings, Mr. Lefferts Knox being the district manager.


This is the oldest established auctioneering firm in the Colony. It was founded by Mr. Geo. R. Lammert, the father of the present partners, and, for upwards of forty years residents in Hongkong have been accustomed to go to Lammert's sale rooms for bargains of all descriptions, A special feature is made of selling goods to the Chinese, and the firm are open at all limes to receive goods on consignment for which prompt settlements are made. The firm act as brokers, surveyors, marine appraisers, and appraisers of goods damaged either by fire or water. They conduct their auctions in Chinese whenever there is a purely Chinese audience present. The senior partner is Mr. Geo. P. Lammert, who is at present in Shanghai. He is a captain in the volunteer force and is one of the best-known vocalists in the Colony. During his absence the business in Hongkong is managed by Mr. H. A. Lammert, who personally conducts all the sales. He is assisted by his brother, Mr. L. E. Lammert. In the early days the firm occupied premises upon the site upon which Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co. are erecting their new hong. Now, however, their auction rooms are at No. 4, Duddell Street, an excellent situation in the centre of the town and less than five minutes' walk from the leading business houses. The firm are agents for Milner's safes and several London firms; their telegraphic address is "Lammert, Hongkong."


Twenty years ago the thriving firm of Messrs. Soares & Co., was founded by Mr. A. F. J. Soares, who, devoting his energies at the start to the real estate business, soon afterwards saw the possibilities of assisting in the development of the China trade. So successful were his efforts that the firm now does a very extensive