Page:Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China.djvu/231

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ago he established himself as head of Messrs. Jorge & Co., and has been chiefly responsible for the firm's prosperity. He is president of the Club Lusitano, the only Portuguese club in the Colony, and was instrumental in pulling that institution through its recent difficulties and placing it once more on a sound basis.


The extensive business carried on by the well-known firm of Messrs. Rozario & Co. was established in 1857 by Mr. M. C. do Rozario. It passed into the hands of his son, and later devolved upon Mr. Joăo Joaquim Leiria, the present head of the firm. Messrs. Rozario & Co. are great exporters of valuable commodities to San Francisco and Honolulu. Mr. Leiria, who is also the Portuguese Vice-Consul for the Colony, may be found at No. 47, Wyndham Street, Hongkong.

(Founder of the Firm).
(Senior Partner of the Far Eastern branches).


Mr. A. J. David, senior partner of the Far Eastern branches of that influential firm of Bombay merchants known as Messrs. S. J. David & Co., is a brother of Sir Sassoon J. David, the founder, one of India's best known merchant princes. Sir Sassoon was a pioneer of the mill industry in Bombay, where he now holds the office of chairman of the Mill Owners' Association, and where his vast experience has led to his election to the Municipal Corporation, the Standing Committee, the Port Trust, the Improvement Trust, and other public bodies, and lastly to his elevation to the Shrievalty. Mr. A. J. David was born on March 31, 1854, and was educated at Elphinstone College, Bombay. He was the first member of the Jewish faith to pass the Matriculation Examination in India and to obtain the David Sassoon Hebrew Scholarship. He has travelled extensively over a great part of Europe, and also in America and Japan. He came to China in 1878, and has been largely responsible for the remarkable success achieved by the firm in this part of the world. He married Katie, daughter of Mr. S. E. Shellim, and niece of Sir Albert Sassoon, Bart. He lives at No. 2, Mount Gough, the Peak, and is a member of the Hongkong Club. The firm, which has offices in Prince's Buildings, carries on business in Indian yarns and opium, and is probably the largest importer of yarn in the Colony, the product coming from its own and other mills in Bombay. The Hongkong branch holds the local agency for the South British Insurance Company. Other branches are established at Shanghai and Kobe.



Perhaps by contrast with cities more essentially tropical, where appearance comes second to comfort, Hongkong will strike the visitor as a "dressy" place, and, if he be in need of a smart outfit, he will naturally look round for a high-class tailoring establishment. Such a one is that of Messrs. Diss Brothers in Wyndham Street. The partners are Messrs. G. A. and A. C. Diss, who both received their training in the West End, and have since been connected with leading houses in Colombo and Singapore. They are members of a family of five brothers, all of whom, following in the footsteps of their father, are engaged in the tailoring trade. Together, they have had an Eastern experience aggregating half a century. Messrs. Diss Brothers opened business in Hongkong eight years ago, and, by reason of their skill and experience, they have gained an enviable reputation for good and careful workmanship. They are the only exclusively tailoring firm